
This team exercise has you starting to create your design documentation.

Step 1: Edit your design document

  1. A Design Document Template was provided in your github repository in the top level /docs directory.
  2. The template file is in markdown format. Check the Resources page for tools to edit markdown files.
  3. (Where missing) Add the following information in your design document:
    1. Complete the Team Information section.
    2. Write an Executive Summary for the project.
    3. Insert your domain model and write the high-level overview of the domain for the application.
    4. Note: You must have the actual image files physically in your repository /docs directory. When the PDF generator runs, it will most likely not have the necessary permissions to access a remote resource holding an image file. This is also a good practice because it will allow you to track revisions of your documentation including which images were placed in revisions of the document.
    5. AFTER confirming with your teammates that instructions have been met, remove the comments from all sections where you have filled in information.
  4. Add and commit this to your repository with an appropriate comment.
  5. Merge this update into your master branch and push to the remote.

Step 2: Create a PDF of your design document

A PDF (Portable Document Format) is a professional looking document which includes page numbers and figure captions. There are a few options avialable to create PDF from markdown files:

VSCode Extension

Pandoc and MiKTex

By the time specified on the schedule for your section, put only the generated DesignDoc.pdf file in the Design documentation - team in the MyCourses Assignments Team Exercises area.